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Microsoft 365 & M-Files: de informatierevolutie

Stel je voor dat je bedrijf de kracht van kunstmatige intelligentie kan benutten om de manier waarop je informatie beheert en samenwerkt te revolutioneren. In de snel veranderende digitale wereld van vandaag maakt de integratie van M-Files en Microsoft 365…

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Hoe generatieve AI en kenniswerk samenkomen

M-Files werd 20 jaar geleden opgericht met één simpel idee: documenten organiseren op basis van wat ze zijn, niet waar ze staan. Een nieuw fundament in document beheer Wat als gebruikers documenten maar één keer opslaan, maar ze op verschillende…

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How IT managers are shaping the future of work

The way we work is constantly changing due to technological developments and the increasing demands of the modern labour market. For IT managers, it is crucial to understand and effectively implement these changes to remain competitive as an organisation. In this...

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Information strategy: where does the market stand?

In a rapidly changing digital world, companies are faced with the urgent need to make their knowledge workers more efficient. Knowledge workers (professionals such as lawyers, accountants and engineers) still spend too much time on repetitive, administrative tasks. This goes against...

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What are your organisation's information risks?

Information is vital to any organisation, but at the same time it also poses a risk. Much of an organisation's (most sensitive) information is contained in documents that employees have to store, process, manage and share every day. As cyber attacks continue to proliferate,...

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