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Microsoft 365 document management

Microsoft Office 365 is used by many organisations for collaboration, content creation and publishing, but document management capabilities such as workflows, version control and metadata are missing, however. M-Files integrates these document management functionalities into your existing Office 365 environment.

Schematische weergave document management integratie Office 365

Integrate M-Files into your Office 365 environment

M-Files supports all Microsoft Office file formats, but also integrates directly into Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook. This way, you enrich your Office 365 environment with comprehensive document management capabilities. Read our blog on How well M-Files and Office 365 integrate.

  • Keep working as you are used to
  • Direct and advanced integration into Office 365
  • M-Files as an information management platform and O365 for productivity

M-Files in Word, Excel, Powerpoint

You reach the functionalities of M-Files directly from the Office ribbon interface, so you can start working with any document right away.

Convert your Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents into intelligent and dynamic M-Files templates. These M-Files templates can easily and even automatically create meta-data data, such as company name, contact details or an address. As a result, efficiency goes up, as does the consistency and quality of documents.

M-Files also allows comparing different versions of Word documents and highlighting changes. In this way, versioning and revising document becomes consistent and effective.

Benefits Microsoft 365 document management

  • Files are stored centrally
  • Mobility: working on any device, anywhere. Even without an internet connection.
  • Access to files is faster: so faster decision-making
  • Reduce physical storage to minimum: lower costs
  • Add a workflow: automating processes prevents errors and saves time. Think approval for proposals or payment of invoices.
  • Built-in version control ensures always the latest and correct version. See exactly who contributes what to which proposal.
  • Your files are protected, saves you worries and prevents annoying situations
  • User roles make division of responsibilities easier and more productive
  • Bad for the printer! This one may fall asleep at times, but it's good for our planet 🙂
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