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How Artificial Intelligence helps with electronic filing

How Artificial Intelligence helps with electronic filing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in the process of electronic archiving, where it provides more efficient and effective methods to manage and organise large amounts of data. Here are some ways AI is improving the digital archiving process:

Automatic classification and indexing

AI technology can automatically classify and index documents and other digital files. By using machine learning algorithms, AI can recognise patterns in the content of documents and correctly label and archive them accordingly. This reduces the need for manual sorting and makes it easier to retrieve documents.

Smart search functionality

With AI, organisations can benefit from advanced search functionalities that go beyond simple keyword searches. AI can contextual searches perform, allowing users to find relevant documents based on content and meaning rather than just specific words or phrases.

Automated workflow optimisation

AI helps streamline archiving processes by automatically assigning documents to the right workflows, identifying duplicates, and managing version control. This ensures more efficient processing and minimises the risk of errors.

Regulatory compliance

AI can help ensure regulatory compliance by ensuring that documents are stored correctly and remain accessible according to legal requirements. AI tools can automatically verify that proper protocols are followed, which is important in industries with stringent filing requirements, such as healthcare and finance.

Predictive analysis

AI can also perform predictive analytics on archived data, allowing organisations to discover trends and patterns that may be useful for future use. This offers value not only for archiving itself, but also for strategic decision-making.

By leveraging these benefits, organisations can significantly improve their digital archiving processes, saving time and costs while increasing accuracy and compliance. Therefore, meet M-Files Aino, the built-in digital assistant in M-Files.

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