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Lucas Education - information processes in order with M-Files

Lucas Education - information processes in order with M-Files

Lucas Education - information processes in order with M-Files

At Lucas Education, documents were previously stored unstructured on the server and supplemented in a similarly unstructured way with documents from the mail registration system (via scanning plus metadata) and information from the meeting system iBabs. Each employee filed these documents in his/her own way. This made it difficult to find the right version. Since then, processes, procedures and information flows have been linked, structured and brought further under control with M-Files. 

The implementation of M-Files followed an iterative three-step plan: first, a number of the key users were met to get a good picture of the processes and requirements. From this, the first process proposal was made. This was then discussed and gone through in a larger group, after which, after possible adjustments, the final process proposal followed, as it was set up in M-Files. This way, Lucas Education was able to adjust the system per department according to its needs, so that the specific working method of that department was best supported by M-Files.

The quality of and grip on information provision and the availability of that information has been given a big 'boost' with M-Files at Lucas Education.

Read the complete success story!

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