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Secure your accountancy firm's reputation in 3 steps

eBook information security

Secure your accountancy firm's reputation in 3 steps

eBook information security

Several news reports keep reminding us of the dangers of hacks and data breaches at accountancy firms. Almost every week, the newspaper reports that a company has fallen victim to a ransomware attack. 

In almost all cases, information security mismanagement is the cause, with all the consequences for the reputations of these firms.

In 2017, Deloitte fell victim to a sophisticated hack in which confidential emails, internal documents and documents belonging to their clients were stolen. Now, larger firms seem to fall victim faster than smaller ones, but nothing could be further from the truth. More than half (57 per cent) of all information security cases involve smaller accounting firms. Larger firms account for 21 per cent of cases. 

Well-organised information management helps repel digital attacks and reduces risks when a hack or data breach occurs. The eBook below tells you what steps your accountancy firm can take to minimise digital risks and prevent reputational damage.

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