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10 benefits of intelligent information management

What does it offer organisations?

10 benefits of intelligent information management

What does it offer organisations?

Today, 30 per cent of knowledge workers spend 30 per cent of their working time searching for information, rather than doing profitable work. This is the direct result of inefficiencies in managing documents and information.

Metadata is the term that stands for information about data. It provides common "keys" for finding information based on what it is, rather than where it is located.

With metadata, information can be categorised in a common, efficient way so that everyone can access it. Metadata already brings many benefits to the organisation, but it is only one step towards greater efficiency in managing documents and information.

To efficiently manage all business information and documents, an organisation needs a method for finding, identifying, managing and processing this information, regardless of location. An organisation needs connectors to access information and documents in other applications. Knowledge workers need intelligent tools to find and manage their information and documents.

Webopedia explains intelligent information management as a set of processes and underlying technological solutions that enable organisations to understand, organise and manage all kinds of data types.

Intelligent information management stems from a metadata-driven approach to document and information management combined with the ability to manage information across systems and repositories without the need for migration. In addition, artificial intelligence is part of the package to automate related processes.

Information management is the key to increased profitability and regulatory compliance. Intelligent information management adds transparency to workflows and helps organisations meet compliance requirements more easily.

Intelligent information management offers organisations weighty benefits. Below are ten benefits of intelligent information management:

  1. Eliminate the need to migrate isolated business information, documents and data
    Organisations can work with business information, documents and data regardless of their location.
  2. Find information and documents based on the right context
    The same information and documents can be found using multiple search criteria and contexts
  3. Goodbye duplicate documents and information
    Everyone in the organisation used the correct, most recent and only version of a document
  4. Managing business-critical information
    Shine light on business-critical information residing in unfathomable storage locations
  5. Add metadata to categorise and enrich information
    Documents can be tagged with really any relevant information imaginable: document type, expiry date, customer details and much more.
  6. Use metadata for workflows and access management
    Employees can receive notifications based on metadata, such as expiring contracts. Also, access can be based on this metadata.
  7. Increase productivity
    Let employees focus on what they do best: their work. Prevent employees from spending a lot of time searching and finding documents and information.
  8. Improve compliance and risk management
    Intelligent information management solutions help organisations comply with laws & regulations, industry standards and other regulatory requirements.
  9. Improve user adoption
    One universal user interface on all devices and all screens, across all applications, systems and repositories.
  10. A boost for cooperation
    Collaborate easily and intuitively internally and externally on documents and information.

Curious what this looks like in practice? Take part in the informative webinar on intelligent information management.


Bastiaan Brefeld
Intelligent Information Management Specialist

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