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Automatic metadata recognition thanks to Artificial Intelligence

Techniques that can be applied today

Automatic metadata recognition thanks to Artificial Intelligence

Techniques that can be applied today

Managing documents and other information using metadata delivers major benefits to organisations. Metadata allows information to be found quickly, creates opportunities for business intelligence, supports auditing and helps organisations discover new business models faster from information they already possess. The potential lies mainly in transforming unstructured data (documents, images, etc.) into structured data.

What is metadata?

Despite the obvious benefits of having high-quality metadata, adding it to countless documents and records seems like an incredibly time-consuming and tedious process. 

Organisations may not have the manpower to comb through hundreds of thousands of text, image and video files to select relevant keywords. Not exactly a way to optimally engage employees. 

Thanks to the Artificial Intelligence in M-Files can save this human effort in assigning metadata. These techniques are not beta or under development, but immediately deployable. 

How does Artificial Intelligence work when assigning metadata?

The list below gives a basic overview of the types of AI technology M-Files uses to help create metadata:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): This functionality actually works the same way our human brain works. It is able to recognise patterns text, audio and video.
  • Statistical Learning: This technology relies on statistical models to discern key information from large data sets.
  • Neural networks: This kind of technology finds patterns by searching information with neural networks designed the way brain neurons work.
  • Deep Learning: This technology can sift through layers of information to extract meaning, patterns and comparisons.

Artificial Intelligence can recognise metadata from almost all types of files

In the past, indexing was mainly associated with text documents. Today, modern AI is not just limited to text files. Think of facial recognition in casinos, which can identify known cheaters and card counters via video. You may also be familiar with the examples on social media. Like when Facebook knows who is in a photo and makes smart suggestions. AI can also extract meaning from speech in audio files. 

Today's search engines can index and categorise .MP3 and .JPG files and .HTML and .PDF files, for example. M-Files does the same with all information within an organisation.

Discover for yourself how metadata is automatically recognised thanks to Artifical Intelligence

Have these techniques piqued your interest? Download M-Files for free and play with the options to automatically recognise metadata yourself. 

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