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Securely share documents & information with customers

Create a secure and modern customer portal

Securely share documents & information with customers

Create a secure and modern customer portal

For companies in almost every sector, being able to share information with customers quickly and efficiently is of great importance. Not only is this a desire from the point of view of efficient operations, it is also something that more and more customers themselves expect.

When you and your team are in the middle of an important project for a client, that client naturally wants to be kept informed of progress. Keeping the client 'in the loop' is key. 

When a question arises, the customer needs to know it as soon as possible so that answers can be sought. The more time this takes, the more progress is inhibited. Is there a document that requires customer approval? Then quick approval helps prevent delays in the project. Direct communication and collaboration is the cornerstone of progression and a sustainable and quality customer experience.

But for many organisations, this is easier said than done. Collaborating on a project is inhibited when your employees use a jumble of tools and resources to exchange documents and information with clients. 

Sending documents back and forth via e-mail or cloud services like Box and Google Drive is inefficient. Employees spend time searching for documents, sending them and then receiving and saving them again. 

How do you keep track of changes and versions when you don't know what the latest and correct version of a document is? 

Moreover, there is no control over who can or cannot access documents. 

Let alone directly engage customers in an automated workflow this way.

This is not a customer experience anno nowadays.

Sharing information & documents easily and securely with customers in real-time

With the information platform M-Files, sharing information is easier than ever. Perhaps the biggest advantage M-Files offers is that you share information with your customers in a secure way. With M-Files, you create a secure customer portal where you share information easily, securely and in a controlled way. An environment where your customer consults information in real-time, but can also share information with your organisation. Even if that customer is not an M-Files user himself.

Want to know more about possibilities of a user-friendly customer portal with M-Files? Simply request a personal demo or contact GeONE, the M-Files partner of Benelux and also Global M-Files partner of the year.

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