Access to all your systems.
Without migration.
Documents and information are everywhere. In Office 365, on a central network drive, in fileshare services like Google Drive, in CRM systems like Salesforce or in an ERP system like Microsoft Dynamics.
With M-Files IML, you bring together all documents from every system imaginable.
While everything stays where it is: i.e. without costly migrations.
One search through all your sources.
On all your devices.
Whatever you are looking for, with M-Files you only search once.
And have instant access to what you are looking for.
Moreover, all M-Files functionalities on the documents and objects.
Information in your pocket.
Manage documents and processes on any device.
With M-Files, use the intelligent search function on your iPhone or Android smartphone to search directly for documents on your network drive or, for example, in your Office 365 environment
Manage documents but also processes on your iOS or Android device.
Even starting a workflow, digitally signing and approving documents can be done easily via any device.
Welcome top security.
Comprehensive permission & access management.
Permissions and authorisations from connected systems are fully synchronised. Through M-Files IML, users see only those documents and information they have access to. Also, only the processes for which the user has permission are visible.
Both the connection and the data are encrypted with HTTPS the AES-256 algorithm, respectively.
Eliminate information silos. Bring systems together.
Controlling information and documents in organisations is more difficult than ever. The amount of data is increasing daily. Information and documents are scattered throughout the organisation.
As an organisation, how do you manage the ever-increasing volume of documents and data?
In this whitepaper, you will read about the 5 critical factors to control information.
Which is more important than true.
Give context to content.
The old-fashioned approach is based on where information is stored, such as in which folder, disk, library or site. Choosing a location is very subjective and different for everyone.
It makes much more sense to look at what something is. Is it a contract? A proposal? A financial statement? A CV? A drawing?
M-Files gives documents and information properties. Thus, documents gain valuable context and location becomes irrelevant.
Embrace intelligence.
With AI and machine learning.
M-Files IML can automatically recognise elements from a document thanks to Artificial Intelligence. To illustrate: M-Files reads from a project proposal which project it concerns and who the parties involved are and links these people to accounts from your CRM system.
Moreover, M-Files IML can recognise documents thanks to machine learning. For example, M-Files automatically knows whether something is a contract, CV, drawing or any other document. Entirely based on content.
M-Files IML's Artificial Intelligence has unprecedented capabilities and can save your organisation a lot of mistakes, time and money.